Is Estate Planning Missing from Your Vacation Preparations?

As the arrival of Spring slowly approaches, numerous families are busy finalizing their vacation plans. Amidst the excitement of planning the perfect getaway, there’s often one crucial aspect missing from the typical “To Do” list – estate planning. Though it may seem frivolous, adequate preparation provides travelers with peace of mind that, no matter what, their wishes will be fulfilled. When traveling with your family, it’s essential to have your affairs in order through an estate planning firm in case of unforeseen events. 

Whether facing the unfortunate circumstances of death or disability, having a comprehensive estate plan ensures that your heirs have the necessary information to carry out your wishes. Without such a plan, you might find yourself (and family) subject to State law and, potentially, reliant on a judge who knows nothing about your unique situation. Such instances may result in estate rulings that contradict your desires. 

   The foundational documents in an effective estate plan are:

  • Last Will and Testament
  • Financial Power of Attorney
  • Advance Medical Directive.

Creating an estate plan can seem daunting, particularly without previous experience with such documentation. However, the knowledgeable estate planning attorneys at Compass Law Partners are here to guide you through the process. Our expertise ensures that your estate plan is not only completed, but also done in a timely manner.

As you gear up for your family vacation, take the time to consider the broader picture of your financial and medical well-being. A well-crafted estate plan is not just a legal formality but a crucial tool that safeguards your interests and ensures your loved ones are equipped to handle any unexpected twists that life may throw your way. Our dedicated team at Compass Law Partners are ready to assist you in this process, making sure your estate plan is not overlooked in the excitement of planning your dream vacation. Complete your Advance Medical Directive by contacting Compass Law Partners today! 

New Year, New Goals: Advance Medical Directive

Compass Law has an easy check off your New Years’ Resolutions List:
Advance Medical Directives

January 1st rolls around and a new year’s resolution seems like a great idea. New Year, New You, right? But what happens when the winter drones on in March and you just want to nestle back into the couch with some cookies and cocoa. New You isn’t so exciting anymore…
But what if you could set a new year’s resolution that is an attainable goal from the beginning!?
The Resolution: Complete Your Advance Medical Directive.

Compass Law now has an EASY way to help you check this new year’s resolution box!

But first, what is it?
An Advance Medical Directive (AMD) is a legal document that allows you to designate a Medical Agent to make medical decisions for you in the event you are unable to make decisions for yourself. An AMD also allows you to express some medical treatment and end of life care preferences in the event you become unable to make or communicate those decisions yourself. This document is an important part of healthcare planning and is vital to have in place in preparation for situations where a person is incapacitated due to illness, injury, or cognitive decline.

Who is my Medical Agent?
Your Medical Agent, sometimes referred to as Healthcare Proxy, is the Primary Person(s) or Alternative Person(s) you designate to handle your medical decisions if you are unable to yourself. The alternative person(s) you designate steps into the role if your primary agent is unable or unwilling to act. A second alternative is preferred, but optional. It is important that you communicate your desires to your Medical Agent and Alternative Person(s).

How it works
Click the link below to fill out the Advance Medical Directive Form. This secure form will then be sent to our team at Compass Law via DocuSign. Once our team conducts a brief conflict check, an invoice will be sent and a consultation scheduled with our team of estate planning attorneys.

Our AMD service is billed as a flat rate!
Click here to get started!

Delaware 2024 Election Overview

There is much to cover since the end of Delaware’s 2023 Session!

Leadership Changes:

This is how it went down last June:

  • Speaker of the House, Peter Schwartzkopf who served as Speaker for a decade, stepped down.
  • He recommended Majority Leader Longhurst, and that night, she was elected to Speaker position
  • This left a vacancy in Majority Leader role
  • Democratic caucus members elected Rep. Melissa Minor-Brown as House Majority Leader

House Democrats Elect All-Female Leadership Team, Setting Historic Firsts in Delaware

Valerie Longhurst
Speaker of the House
District 15

Valerie J. Longhurst is the first female Speaker of the House in Delaware history. She was first elected to the Delaware House of Representatives in November 2004 to represent the 15th District. The district consists of 24,000 people living in Bear and St. Georges. In 2008, she was elected as the House Majority Whip and served for four years. After the 2012 election, her caucus elected her House Majority Leader. In June 2023, she was elected Speaker of the House. –

Melissa Minor Brown
Majority Leader
District 17

Rep. Melissa ‘Mimi’ Minor-Brown is determined to make a difference by using her platform as a springboard for change, advocacy, and empowerment for her community. Rep. Minor-Brown knows what it means to work hard. She is an American success story, pulling herself up as a single teenage mother to evolve into a licensed practical nurse, to a registered nurse with a master’s degree in Executive Leadership, graduating Cum Laude from Wilmington University, to now serving as a legislator in Delaware’s House of Representatives. On a broader scale, Rep. Minor-Brown serves as the Region III Chair for the National Black Caucus of State Legislators. –

Governor’s Race

Governor John Carney’s two terms as Delaware Governor ends in 2024! Below are the candidates for Governor in Delaware.

Bethany Hall Long
Lt. Governor (2017-2024)

Dr. Bethany Hall-Long has served as Delaware’s 26th Lieutenant Governor since 2017. As a member of the Democratic Party, she served in the Delaware House of Representatives from 2002-2008 and in the Delaware Senate from 2008-2017. –

In the news:
How Hall-Long’s refusal to release audit findings sparked elections reform talks

Check out her campaign website here.

Matt Meyer
Newcastle County Executive (2017-2024)
In 2016, Matt Meyer was a sixth and seventh grade Math teacher when he first ran for public office, defeating a heavily-favored three-term incumbent in a grassroots campaign to serve as the Chief Executive of Delaware’s largest county. –—County-Executive
Check out his campaign website here.

Lt. Governor’s Race

Kyle Evans Gay
DE State Senator
District 5

After becoming a vocal advocate for the successful Equal Rights Amendment to the Delaware Constitution, Sen. Gay was elected to the Delaware Senate in 2020, becoming the first Democrat to represent the Fifth Senate District in more than 40 years.She currently serves as the chair of the Senate Elections & Government Affairs Committee, vice-chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, co-chair of the Joint Legislative Oversight and Sunset Committee, and a member of both the Senate Transportation Committee and the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee. –

Check out her campaign website here.

Debbie Harrington
Retired Army Colonel
As a Social Justice Advocate, Debbie Harrington, has been the “boots on the ground” in Delaware communities, organizing food donations, back to school supplies, health fairs, financial literacy seminars and environmental protection initiatives. She still serves on boards where she has been able to affect education and health policies for all people. She is known for getting the hard jobs done. –
Check out her campaign website here.

Sherry Dorsey Walker
DE State Representative
District 3
Representative Sherry Dorsey Walker, a native of Wilmington, Delaware, is the first Person of Color elected to the Delaware House of Representatives from the 3rd District in 2018. As well, she is First Woman and the First Person of Color elected in the 6th District to the Wilmington City Council in 2012. She earned a Masters in Film from Howard University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Delaware in English/Journalism. She is a proud product of St. Elizabeth School, where she attended for 12 years. –
Check out her campaign website here.

Congressional Race to Watch


Colleen Davis
DE State Treasurer
Colleen C. Davis was elected State Treasurer in November 2018 and re-elected to a second term in 2022. Since taking office, Treasurer Davis has focused on three main priorities: bolstering retirement security and readiness, creating pathways to economic empowerment, and promoting a culture of financial excellence. Highlights of her first term include maintaining Delaware’s AAA bond rating, increasing return on the state’s investments by more than $58 million, and creating Delaware Expanding Access to Retirement & Necessary Savings (EARNS), an Auto-IRA program for Delaware private-sector workers not otherwise covered by an employer-sponsored retirement plan. –
Check out her campaign website here.

Sarah McBride
DE State Senator

District 1As a state senator, McBride has passed legislation expanding access to health care, requiring mental health and media literacy education in public schools, promoting green technologies, and protecting workers and families. In just her first term, McBride also passed the landmark Healthy Delaware Families Act, providing paid family and medical leave to workers throughout the First State and marking the largest expansion of Delaware’s social safety net in decades. She currently serves as chair of the Senate Health & Social Services Committee, and a member of the Senate Banking, Business, Insurance & Technology, Education, Executive and Judiciary committees. –

Check out her campaign website here.

Eugene Young
Director of Housing Authority
Delaware’s Director of the Delaware State Housing Authority, Eugene R. Young, Jr. was appointed to
his current position by Governor John Carney in May of 2021. In cooperation with other state agencies and advocates, Director Young drives DSHA’s mission to provide and assist others to provide, quality, affordable housing opportunities and appropriate supportive services to low- and moderate-income Delawareans. –

Check out his campaign website here.

Business Branding

Discover a distinctive approach to business branding with Compass Public Relations, where strategic thinking meets immersive execution. Our public relations firm takes a strategic and immersive approach in understanding our client’s needs and their target audiences to steer brand identity, design, and development. Compass Public Relations specialists’ creative services range from designing websites and developing presentation decks to coordinating headshots for your team.

  1. Discovery Session (1-2 Hours) – Unpacking who you are
Engage in in-depth discussions to outline your goals, brand mission, key elements and identify intended users.
  1. User Experience + Content (1-2 weeks) – Mapping it out
Design wireframes to map out the user journey and unpack what content is needed to clearly communicate products and services offered.
  1. Visual Design (1-2 weeks) – Making it look nice
Incorporate key brand elements and translate wireframes into a mockup design of the website.
  1. Development (2-4 weeks) – Bringing it to life
Utilize mockups to develop a fully responsive website using an advanced website design platform.
  1. Launch + Onboarding (1-2 hours) – Taking it live

Ensure all elements are functionable and provide training to empower you to make changes and take control of your site.


At Compass Public Relations, we are not just a service; we are your partners in establishing and executing a brand that is uniquely yours. Let us navigate the journey of shaping your business identity and ensuring it stands out in the digital landscape.

Transform your brand with Compass Public Relations – Your Success, Our Mission!

Cinderella Had a Ball… So Can You!

Planning an event can feel overwhelming but let Compass Public Relations Firm break it down for you in just 6 easy steps:


Step 1: Set Goals
Take some time when brainstorming plans for your event to set goals or intentions. These can be helpful to refer to when making decisions down the line. Your goal could be to create a space for people to network or to celebrate an accomplishment. When working with a public relations firm, goals will help define the event.

Step 2: Plan Your Location

Finding a good venue is important for the atmosphere of your event. Not only are components like adequate space and appropriate decorations important but also try to think about your location from the perspective of a guest. Is there enough signage so they can find exactly where to go? Does the location accommodate parking? Are there accessibility options if your guests need it? A public relations specialist can help plan your event location keeping all the details in mind so that your event can go off without a hitch!



Step 3: Plan Speakers

If you plan to have anyone outside of your group speak, make sure they are scheduled in advance! If you have a person in mind they need to ensure their schedule allows/knows what the message needs to be in order to answer any questions guests may have. Public relations firms will bake speaker research and logistics into the event to ensure all runs seamlessly. This helps with overall event organization and management, but if the speaker has a good experience they are more likely to return to a future event.



Step 4: Promote Your Event

Sending out paper invitations can feel daunting. Try and use other ways to get the word out about your event. Social media can be a great tool for guests attending to share the event in order to encourage others to come.
Key Tip– Events sneak up on people, especially if they are planned far in advance. Consider reminder emails or text messages to give guests a heads-up that you are looking forward to seeing them.



Step 5: Execute Your Event

The day has come to execute the event. Get lot’s of rest and promote on social media up until start time! Make sure the music is set and the bathrooms are clean, put on a big smile and enjoy!



Step 6: Prepare For Post-Event
To best plan for after the event, it is sometimes good to go back and look at your goals. You may want to put together social media campaign strategy and gather content for promoting an annual event. Maybe there were things that did not work that might have helped the event be more successful. Keep track!
Compass Public Relations Firm is here to help you plan and execute all types of events and any other public relations services for your organization. Session is quickly approaching, get started today!

Estate Planning: The Brady Bunch Edition

(To the tune of the Brady Bunch theme song)
Here’s the story, of two single parents
Who were bringing up their children separately
‘Til the one day when they met each other
And they formed a blended family

We all know the story of the Brady Bunch. What you didn’t see on the show, that happened behind the scenes, was how Carol and Mike planned for their blended family. Allow us to take some artistic license to explain to you how we think it went.

FADE IN: The scene starts with Carol meeting with her estate planning attorney, Mr. Wills, in his office furnished with mahogany furniture and decorated with orange and black large pill shape wallpaper.

Carol explains to Mr. Wills that she and Mike would like to get married but want to make sure their separate children are protected. Mr. Wills then explains that he can help her by preparing a prenuptial agreement. He also explains that Carol and Mike should consider keeping their finances separated and should execute an estate plan after their wedding. Concerned, Carol says that she loves Mike and doesn’t want to start their marriage off with arguments about finances. Mr. Wills explains that by putting a plan in place now, arguments can be avoided since important decisions are being made at a time when Carol and Mike are happy and rational, not when they are angry and irrational. Carol looks at the camera and says, “You’re right, Mr. Wills. My number one priority is protecting my daughters, and I am going to Mike tonight about the need for a prenuptial agreement and an estate plan.”


CUT TO: The kitchen in Mike’s house at 11222 Dilling Street, Studio City, CA
As Alice prepares dinner, Carol, looking concerned, tells Mike that she has something important to tell him. Mike then tells Carol that he has something important to tell her. They decide that they will say it at the same time. Both Mike and Carol then say together, “We need a prenup!”

CLOSE UP OF ALICE: Alice responds with, “Anyone offering a trip to Europe for the right answer?”

Carol says to Mike, “I just want to make sure my daughters are taken care of and I know we can work something out that we both agree to.” Mike agrees and holds Carol’s hand, “maybe we should keep our finances separate. We can create a joint account for family expenses, but we will maintain our assets separately.” Carol responds by saying, “That’s exactly what Mr. Wills told me! And we can then create an estate plan where we leave our own assets to our kids.” Mike cuts in, “I want to take care of you first, so I am going to have a trust created that will name you as the primary beneficiary with my sons as contingent beneficiaries.”

In the end, Carol and Mike created a loving environment for their blended family by discussing the difficult topics up front. Addressing your estate planning concerns prior to marriage with an experienced estate planning attorney expresses how much you love your spouse and respect that he/she has children of his/her own.

If you need an estate planning lawyer the attorneys at Compass Law Partners can help you in starting your blended family off right!

Local Government Relations

When we say we offer
LOCAL government relations services,
what do we mean…?

Navigating the Mid-Atlantic with Compass Advocacy

Whether you call them counties, boroughs, parishes, or municipalities– each local jurisdiction plays a crucial role in governing daily life.. These local jurisdictions vary by state, county, and city all across the country. Just to make matters more confusing, each local government has a different way of governing. They have different names, different structures, responsibilities, and strategies for getting things done. At Compass Advocacy, we provide state and local government relations services, where we foster strong connections with decision-makers in local governments across the Mid-Atlantic region, aiming to simplify and guide you through the intricate processes.

Maryland Local Government 

Understanding the three forms of Maryland government is key: County Commissioners, Code Home Rule, and Charter. From Calvert to Washington, our expertise spans various counties, ensuring comprehensive government relations management.

County Commissioners: Empowered by the General Assembly, this form allows legislation for specific counties.  While a board of county commissioners exercises both executive and legislative functions defined by State law, and may enact ordinances, its legislative power is limited to those areas authorized by the General Assembly, enabling legislation, or public local laws.

Our reach extends to these counties:Calvert, Carroll, Garrett, St. Mary’s, Somerset, and Washington.

Code Home Rule: Since 1915, counties have had the option of governing under code home rule, which enables them to exercise broad local legislative authority.

Our reach extends to these counties: Allegany, Caroline, Charles, Kent, Queen Anne’s, and Worcester.

Charter: The charter government separates the executive branch from the legislative branch. Most typically, it consists of a county executive and a county council.

Our reach extends to these counties: Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Cecil, Dorchester, Frederick, Harford, Howard, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Talbot, and Wicomico.

Delaware Local Government 

The state of Delaware government affairs comprises  three counties: New Castle, Kent and Sussex. Our services extend to facilitate effective state government relations.

New Castle County

New Castle County manages local affairs by the County Executive and Council . The County Council is the legislative body and is made up of 12 members elected from each of the 12 districts, and the council president who is elected at-large. The county council is responsible for passing laws that help with the health and welfare of residents including topics like the budget, planning and zoning, and public entities such as public libraries.

Kent County
Distinguished by its name, the Levy Court, Kent County’s Levy Court consists of six commissioners elected by the district and one who is elected at large. They largely deal with zoning and development issues.

Sussex County
Sussex County, Delaware is governed by a County Council and a County administrator. The County Council consists of five members elected from five geographic districts. Each member serves a 4-year term. The County Council is responsible for the budget, policies impacting residents’ health and safety and growth and development goals for the county. The County Administrator is appointed by the Council and oversees the budget and policy implementation on behalf of the Council. Unlike other DE local governments, the County Administrator oversees services such as public safety, planning and zoning, and tax collection.

D.C. Local Government 

D.C. local government functions like many local governments with Executive, Legislative, and Judicial branches. However, their relationship with the federal government sets them apart from other local state jurisdictions.

Executive- The Mayor
The current DC Mayor is Muriel Bowser. Who is responsible for the daily administration of the district government and is elected by 4-year terms. This includes overseeing government agencies such as the Metropolitan Police Department, public schools, the Health Department, and the Department of Planning and Economic Development. The Mayor approves or vetoes laws passed by the Council and is ultimately responsible for executing those laws.

Legislative- The Council of the District of Columbia
The city of DC is split into 8 wards, or districts, divided up by population. The council is made up of 1 member from each ward, as well as 5 at-large members, including a chairman, that represent the entire district. Members serve four-year terms, with staggered elections taking place every two years. The Council is responsible for making laws on behalf of DC residents on a variety of topics including crime, education, parking, and the budget.

In 2016, DC finally got control over its budget, separating it from the federal budget. Once the budget has passed the council, it is now submitted to Congress for a 30-day passive review, not requiring Congress to act for the budget to take effect.

National Representation

Taxation without representation! Famously, DC has no voting representation in the federal government. Due to their incorporated status, DC is only allowed to elect a non-voting delegate to the House of Representatives. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton currently serves on the Committee on Oversight and Accountability and the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure.

Understanding State and Local Government in Maryland, Delaware and D.C

At Compass Government Relations, we specialize in government affairs, government consulting, and lobbying services, ensuring effective state and federal government relations management. For detailed insights, explore our Compass Navigator or contact us today to learn more about our state and local government relations services!

Brace Yourselves: Session Is Coming

Get ready as the Maryland General Assembly kicks off on January 10, 2024, following the Delaware General Assembly on January 9, 2024. While January might seem distant, strategic advocacy demands early preparation and planning to ensure your team is ready to make an impact as soon as the cannons fire. Explore coalition building, patch-though phone calls, emails, and polling with Compass. 

Let Compass Advocacy help you forge impactful coalition building strategies today!

Choose your weapon to fight for your cause this Session:
Patch-through phone calls (“PTP Calls”) are an important grassroots advocacy tool. Under a PTP Calls program, targeted legislators would receive phone calls from their constituents advocating for/against a bill/amendment/policy. Compass Advocacy can orchestrate Patch-through phone calls programs to amplify your voice.
Compass Public Relations specializes in designing and executing impactful email campaigns. These email campaigns enable individuals to send compelling emails to legislators, advocating for specific positions on critical issues. We help craft messages, build persuasive arguments, and create materials to amplify your message across various channels.
Understanding public opinion is critical – as public sentiment can have a significant impact on real policy decisions. Polling helps to garner a deeper understanding of the public’s thoughts, opinions, and beliefs on specific topics or issues. Compass Public Relations Firm will help design your questionnaire, collect the data, and provide valuable insight into the responses.
A coalition is the “joining of forces” between two or more independent organizations with shared interests. Coalitions are a great way to gather influence over specific subject matter because they can exert more power than a single organization alone. However, building and maintaining a coalition can feel like a daunting task. Compass has the expertise to guide you through the process of building and maintaining coalitions with shared interests, ensuring collective strength in advocating for your cause.


If your organization is looking for a public relations firm, let Compass Advocacy guide you towards effective coalition building strategies that will leave a lasting impact on the decisions that matter most. Contact us today!

Federal Government Relations: Lobby Days

“All politics is local”
– Former U.S. House of Representatives Speaker of the House, Tip O’Neill
At any level of government, from local to federal, curating relationships with your legislators is essential to the successful pursuit of your legislative priorities.

Lobby days provide advocates with the opportunity to directly engage with legislators and decision makers. Direct engagement with policymakers and their staff allow the unique opportunity to express concerns, share personal stories, and make persuasive arguments in support of the cause. This allows you, the advocate, to influence legislation directly.

Engaging with your federal lawmakers may seem like an insurmountable task if you don’t know where to start. But Compass Advocacy manages several federal client portfolios — we can help! Our government relations services have had immense success engaging federal lawmakers across the country with constituents in their own district.

From fly-ins to DC for a lobby day with State delegations, to site visits across the country, Compass is ready to get you in front of the decision makers that matter most for your cause! If you’re in need of a government affairs consultant, contact our team today.

Building a Coalition

A coalition is the “joining of forces” between two or more independent organizations with shared interests. Coalitions are a great way to garner influence over specific subject matter because they can exert more power than a single organization alone. However, building and maintaining a coalition can feel like a daunting task.

Here are 6 steps toward creating sustainable coalitions:

Identify the coalition’s mission: Start by identifying a common goal or issue that brings potential members together. This can be a shared interest, a common problem, or a specific objective that can be better achieved through collective action.


Engage potential members: Identify individuals or organizations that share a common interest in the coalition’s mission. Reach out to them to gauge their interest, emphasizing the value of collaboration.


Ongoing recruitment: Coalition building is an ongoing process that requires active engagement and recruitment. By continuously adding to your membership base, the coalition broadens its expertise, increases influence and power, and expands resources and opportunities. Ongoing recruitment sustains momentum towards the coalition’s shared goal.


Strategy sessions: Once the coalition has a membership base, hosting strategy sessions can help members align goals and strategies. It’s imperative that each member knows their defined role in the coalition. Strategy sessions offer a space to build relationships and trust with other members, share knowledge and expertise, facilitate goal alignment, and create actionable plans.


Host regular meetings: Regularly scheduled meetings allow coalition members the opportunity to communicate, exchange information, and collectively make decisions. Bringing members together provides a platform for open dialogues and the exploration of differing viewpoints. Regular meetings also allow members to take an active role in monitoring the progress of the coalition.


Take action: There are many ways in which coalitions can take action toward their goals- whether it’s advocating for legal reform, mobilizing supporters, conducting community outreach, or legislatively! Engage in government advocacy efforts by mobilizing supporters, hosting lobby days, or creating awareness campaigns.


Overall, forming a coalition requires overcoming various challenges, including building trust and managing several interests. Coalitions are imperative for increasing political leverage and power towards a common goal. By amplifying individual voices through collaboration, coalitions can increase the chances of influencing policy outcomes and/or achieving shared goals.

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