Spruce Up Your Brand This Spring!

It’s that thyme of year! As the temperature gets warmer and flowers start to bloom, it’s hard to miss the energy of spring coming our way. The universe decided spring was the time to re-plant our most successful business practices and we can’t help but agree! It’s time to take stalk of your life! Spring can be the perfect time to update your business and personal branding materials. You should update your website, clean out any old or wilted social media posts, or even change your Facebook status (ok, bloomer).

Compass Public Relations can help you revisit your logo and branding materials to give them a bright new look once and floral. Our team members take pride in taking the time to understand your business market and can help target your brand identity to be competitive in your plot. Helping your business rose to the occasion is always our priority. Lettuce do our best so you don’t have to, even if these puns are getting unbeleafable. Happy Spring!


April 2023 PR Navigator

Wrapping Up Black History Month with MBE Night!





For the second year, Compass PR coordinated branding and media relations for the Minority Business (MBE) Night in Annapolis. This year’s event attracted over 700 businesses from throughout the state and featured top state officials including special guest Governor Wes Moore. We developed the website, print and digital signage, program collateral, and facilitated media coverage.

Read what the Afro and WYPR had to say about the event:


See more photos here.

March 2023 PR Navigator

Political Strategy: Phone Campaigns

A critical  advocacy tool to influence public opinion is implementing targeted phone campaigns. At Compass Public Relations, we have the ability to design political campaign strategies that successfully  mobilize constituents to support or oppose policies heard before state, local, and federal governments.These efforts are tailored to ensure maximum impact, and they provide a powerful voice to constituents who might otherwise go unheard in the legislative process.

Through careful demographic research and data analysis, Compass Public Relations consultants ensure that each campaign is directed toward the right audience. We send targeted and tailored messages that resonate with the recipients, enhancing the likelihood of action.   Our live calls are persuasive and personal, allowing for real-time engagement and providing legislators with a clear sense of where their constituents stand on issues. 

In many cases, Compass PR consultants work with lobbyists to execute these efforts in a strategic and coordinated manner. Whether it’s at the state level in Delaware or Maryland or targeting local municipalities, our phone campaigns are designed to make a difference..

As public relations specialists, our consultants are highly experienced in framing messages that either support or oppose  critical legislation. Once the message is set, we then identify key legislators who may decide the outcome of such issues. 

From there, we generate dozens – or even hundreds – of live constituent phone calls into legislators’ offices. This type of constituent engagement has the power to sway decisions and influence outcomes, making phone campaigns a vital part of any political campaign strategy. To learn more about how political strategy phone campaigns can support your cause, contact Compass PR today!

Compass PR: Political Strategy

The legislative session has convened in Maryland and Delaware, so it’s time for your organization’s voice to be heard. In today’s complex and information-saturated world, simply having a good cause and dedicated supporters may not be enough for your coalition or campaign to thrive. At Compass Advocacy, our Public Relations services act as a multiplier for your efforts, bringing years of advocacy experience and long-term relationships with the legislature. Through our industry expertise, large network, and tested political campaign strategies, we position our clients in front of key legislative allies that produce tangible results. 

Working at the intersection of business and government, our public relations firm develops authentic and compelling campaigns that mobilize constituents to support or oppose policies heard before state, local, and federal governments. As part of such services, our public relations specialists can facilitate patch-thru phone calls from constituents to legislators, letters to elected officials, polling and public opinion surveys, and much more. Additionally, identifying influential figures is essential for gaining traction and achieving your goals. Our team leverages targeted campaign strategies to find and engage committees, legislators, or third parties with your messaging. 

While your grassroots campaign or coalition may be passionate and dedicated, Compass can provide crucial amplification, such as phone, website, and email strategies to boost your message to the right decision-makers. Broad exposure and compelling narratives strengthens your voice, builds public trust, and increases your chances of making an impact. In the unique political landscapes of Delaware and Maryland, Compass can help your organization navigate the many legislative and public relations nuances–get started today!


Targeted Campaigns and Website Design

Are you looking to get your message in front of legislators and key decision-makers? We’re here to help you advocate your organization’s issues at the right time and to the right people. Through targeted campaigns to legislators, our team will design and implement call-to-action pages to generate emails, texts, and phone calls. This targeted feature on your website will enable constituents and advocacy groups to engage directly with their legislator based on their district. Whether that be for a particular bill or topic area, Compass can help advance your advocacy efforts to shape policy and public opinion.

Simple as that, your message can be sent to those who need to hear it! Reach out to our Public Relations team today to learn more!

Post-Elections Grassroots Advocacy

Now that General Elections are in our rear-view mirror (even if votes are still being counted…), we will look forward to General Assembly Sessions approaching in 2023.

With Maryland’s session opening on January 11, and Delaware’s starting January 10, you may need to begin to develop a strategy to shape public and legislator opinion.
Compass Public Relations can help you and your association, coalition, or organization generate emails to members’ elected officials in favor or against an issue or bill introduced. We can create websites that route emails to legislators, as well as create portals to ensure ease while getting your messaging through to decision makers.

This can be a simple add-on to a current contract, or an engagement on its own, the sky is the limit! Compass Public Relations is here to help you navigate 2023.

Actively Engaging Congress Through Strategic Public Relations

Are you looking to get your message in front of Members of Congress? Compass Public Relations is here to help you advocate your organization’s issues at the right time and to the right people through targeted federal campaigns. We’ll assist in identifying your organization’s priorities to foster engagement with policymakers and their staff, media outlets, and key external audiences.

Here are ways that the Compass PR team can advance your advocacy efforts to shape policy and public opinion:

  1. Schedule site visits to your organization with Members of Congress and their staff
  2. Coordinate letters from advocacy groups, business associations, and subject matter experts to Members of Congress
  3. Gather placement of Op-Eds in local and national media outlets
  4. Craft tailored and clear messaging to help all stakeholders understand the importance of your organization’s issues

Team Spotlight: Addison Pruitt

Addison connects the dots between government advocacy and communications on behalf of Compass clients. Prior to joining Compass, he served as Communications Specialist for the U.S. Architect of the Capitol, where he coordinated messaging and led outreach initiatives to House Members, staff, and key congressional stakeholders.

As the former Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the Legislative Black Caucus of Maryland, Delegate Darryl Barnes, Addison led the office’s marketing and strategic communication efforts, serving as a liaison for constituents on all legislative activities.

Addison has also worked with several nonprofits and businesses, providing consulting services in brand identity, graphic design, web development, and multimedia.

Montgomery County, Maryland Black Chamber of Commerce

On Tuesday, June 28, 2022, Maryland’s Montgomery County Black Chamber of Commerce hosted several Black and minority businesses for an emergency townhall to discuss contracting opportunities and MBE participation within the Montgomery County, Maryland government.

In a short marketing window, the Compass team served as the lead public relations arm for the townhall, providing the following services to make this gathering :

  • Deigned event branding and invitation
  • Designed and managed the registration page
  • Provided press support
  • Coordinated email communications to all registrants

MBE Night in Annapolis

Our Compass PR team led the branding and marketing efforts for the 2022 MBE Night. Over 400 minority businesses joined in Annapolis on Thursday, April 28 for an evening centered around opportunities in procurement and capital.

The event featured a host of state legislators, state agency officials, panel discussions, and a presentation from the U.S. Small Business Administration. It was an honor to work on this event from start to finish.

Throughout the process, we established a brand identity, designed all marketing collateral, and developed an all-inclusive website (www.mbeannapolis.com), allowing attendees to register, access key event information, and view media from previous MBE Nights.

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